News Articles
Help Catholic Charities meet a $35,000 #GivingTuesday match Nov. 28
Generous friends of Catholic Charities have created a $35,000 matching fund for #GivingTuesday, which means your gift will be doubled when...
Subaru still sharing love with Harbor House
Subaru sharing love with Harbor House For a third straight year, Brandon Steven Motors has selected Harbor House at Catholic Charities as...
Stuff the Box Gathers Supplies for Harbor House Clients
During Domestic Violence Awareness Month, you can help meet the basic needs of women and children seeking shelter at Harbor House with a...
Holidays change Our Daily Bread Food Pantry Schedule
Holidays change Our Daily Bread Food Pantry schedule The Saturdays on which Our Daily Bread Food Pantry is open are changing for November...
New Queen Bees a buzz for shelters
A new group of Queen Bees is taking flight to raise awareness of and funds for the two Catholic Charities shelters. Eight local women are...
Donor advised fund contributions – you can direct them here!
Donations that reaps tax benefits One of our goals is to make giving cash donations to Catholic Charities as easy and convenient as...
Four local leaders join Catholic Charities board
Justin Dugan, Stephanie Murphy, Megan McCurdy Niedens and Joy Scott are beginning three-year terms on the Catholic Charities Board of...
Working with homeless has ups and downs
Walking alongside many on their journey Through her many years of assisting the homeless gain housing, Marilyn Karst, Rapid Re-Housing...
Servants of Hope growing to needs
Recurring gifts create a steady stream of revenue to accurately budget Thirteen donors have agreed to bless Catholic Charities with new...
Donations now can help school children in shelter all year long
Seeking cash donations along with tangible items While most school-aged children stock up on all the pencils, notebooks and glue sticks...
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St. Joseph Pastoral Center
437 North Topeka st.
Wichita. KS 67202-2431
(316) 264-8344
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Wichita is a 501(c)(3). All gifts are tax-deductible.
Need donation support?
316-264-8344 ext. 1262
Wichita Diocese
The Wichita Diocese covers 20,021 square miles and includes 25 counties in the southeast corner of the state. It is home to over 114,000 Catholics in 90 parishes.