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Faithful Servant Fund

Faithful Servant Fund

“Well done my good and faithful servant. Come, share your Master’s joy.” (Matthew 25: 21)

Catholic Charities introduced the Faithful Servant Fund in the fall of 2019 to focus our ongoing efforts to raise dollars to support the work of all Catholic Charities ministries.

Contributions to the Faithful Servant Fund give Catholic Charities the greatest flexibility to address the most urgent needs within our ministries and the Diocese of Wichita, whether that be helping the hungry, homeless, poor, disabled, lonely or abused.

We found inspiration for the name in the parable of talents in Matthew’s gospel (Chapter 25). Given a share of their master’s wealth, two servants used their talents to grow the portion that they had received, leading him to declare, “Well done my good and faithful servant. Come, share your Master’s joy.”

Contributions to annual and specific appeals, monthly donations, and other activities will be collected within the Faithful Servant Fund and used to address the greatest needs in our community.

How your support helps address important needs in our community

Hunger & Homelessness (40 percent)

Helps Catholic Charities provide food for the hungry, shelter and housing for the homeless and programs to assist with employment, financial literacy and parenting through these ministries and initiatives:

  • St. Anthony Family Shelter (our shelter for homeless families will receive the majority of funds in this category)
  • Our Daily Bread Food Pantry
  • Southeast Kansas Services

Domestic Violence (30 percent)

Helps Catholic Charities provide outreach services, such as advocacy, case management and safety planning, financial literacy and employment assistance, and shelter, allowing victims to become survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault through these ministries and projects:

  • Harbor House Domestic Violence Shelter and its outreach programs

Enrichment (15 percent)

Helps Catholic Charities provide enriching day programs for disabled adults and seniors, counseling for individuals, couples and families, legal assistance for immigrants and engagement opportunities for seniors through these ministries:

  • Adult Day Services
  • Cana Counseling
  • Immigration Services

Mission Support (15 percent)

Helps sustain and maintain the day-to-day operations to facilitate our mission and the clients we serve.

How your support helps address important needs in our community

Hunger & Homelessnesss (40 percent)

Helps Catholic Charities provide food for the hungry, shelter and housing for the homeless and programs to assist with employment, financial literacy and parenting through these ministries and initiatives:

Domestic Violence (30 percent)

Helps Catholic Charities provide outreach services, such as advocacy, case management and safety planning, financial literacy and employment assistance, and shelter, allowing victims to become survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault through these ministries and projects:

  • Harbor House Domestic Violence Shelter and its outreach programs

Enrichment (15 percent)

Helps Catholic Charities provide enriching day programs for disabled adults and seniors, counseling for individuals, couples and families, legal assistance for immigrants and engagement opportunities for seniors through these ministries:

  • Adult Day Services
  • Cana Counseling
  • Immigration Services

Mission Support (15 percent)

Helps sustain and maintain the day-to-day operations to facilitate our mission and the clients we serve.

Become a Faithful Servant with a monthly gift

You can become a Faithful Servant to Catholic Charities and those we serve in our community by becoming a monthly donor to the Faithful Servant Fund. Your commitment of $25, $50, $100 or more each month assures that we have the ability to address the most urgent needs within our ministries and our community.

Your monthly gift will position Catholic Charities to meet the needs of the hungry, homeless, poor, disabled, lonely and abused in our community.

Making a monthly gift is easy to do. We can help you set up a recurring gift through an automatic bank draft, direct deposit from your paycheck or a charge to your credit card.

To learn how to become a Faithful Servant of Catholic Charities, call a member of the development team at (316) 264-8344 ext 1262.

I am interested in learning more about the Faithful Servant Fund

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Faithful Servant Collection by Saint by Sarah Jane

Catholic Charities Wichita is excited to collaborate with Saint by Sarah Jane to provide an exclusive “Faithful Servant Collection” with all proceeds benefiting the Faithful Servant Fund. The collection will feature one or two new charms each year inspired by Catholic Charities, our ministries and those we serve. 

The bracelet and inaugural charm features St. Rita of Cascia, patron saint of abuse victims. The St. Rita charm honors all those we have and will serve through outreach programs and the shelter at Harbor House Domestic Violence Shelter.

Contact Us

We would like to hear from you! Call 316-264-8344 or Email us:

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St. Joseph Pastoral Center
437 North Topeka st.
Wichita. KS 67202-2431

(316) 264-8344

Catholic Charities, Diocese of Wichita is a 501(c)(3). All gifts are tax-deductible.

Need donation support?
316-264-8344 ext. 1262

Catholic Diocese of Wichita

Wichita Diocese

The Wichita Diocese covers 20,021 square miles and includes 25 counties in the southeast corner of the state. It is home to over 114,000 Catholics in 90 parishes.

Catholic Diocese of Wichita

Wichita Diocese

The Wichita Diocese covers 20,021 square miles and includes 25 counties in the southeast corner of the state. It is home to over 114,000 Catholics in 90 parishes.