After 18 months of sobriety, this married couple knew that to avoid sliding back into a life of drugs, they needed a support team in place for themselves and their two pre-teen children. So they made the decision to move from Oklahoma to Wichita to be closer to family.
Despite being skeptical of homeless shelters, they knew moving into St. Anthony Family Shelter was better than intruding on a family member during a pandemic.
Arriving at St. Anthony Family Shelter
Once they arrived at St. Anthony, their preconceived notion of shelter life was gone. They were pleased to see that families were in their own private rooms, rather than sleeping on cots in a common area, and that a laundry room was available. Three meals a day, snacks and hygiene products were all free. The children soon announced that St. Anthony was better than the place they had been staying at in Oklahoma.

Seeds for Success Program
The parents participated in Catholic Charities’ Seeds for Success program; the father received help completing his resume and in less than a week found a fulltime job with a local construction company, while the mother had several job offers as well. Their case manager helped them get signed up for DCF benefits, and helped the children enroll in school. A Chrome book for the daughter and a laptop for the son were secured so they could attend school virtually.
Maintaining stability
The family completed the program offered at St. Anthony in 31 days, leaving shelter with both parents employed and, thanks to assistance from Wichita’s rapid rehousing program, moved into market housing. A recent check in with the family showed the parents remain sober and employed, and the children are flourishing in school.
Learn more about St. Anthony Family Shelter
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St. Joseph Pastoral Center
437 North Topeka st.
Wichita. KS 67202-2431
(316) 264-8344
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Wichita is a 501(c)(3). All gifts are tax-deductible.
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316-264-8344 ext. 1262
Wichita Diocese
The Wichita Diocese covers 20,021 square miles and includes 25 counties in the southeast corner of the state. It is home to over 114,000 Catholics in 90 parishes.